Tender Description:
Item Description: description :- denoting no.- sn 99 b/com 485 b, school students concession certificate book, in size: 12 inch x 8.5 inch, (books) with 100 lvs. having one side print on 58 gsm i r logo white water mark security paper in black ink. printing instructions: : printing with raw materi al. text matter with one side printing in bilingual (hindi and english) text matter printing in black colo ur ink numbering to be machine serial numbered on right top corner i.e. on 02 counter foils) in 6 digits and as per serial number allotted. in no case the number shall be printed on dot matrix/inkjet or laser j et printers. raw material:- for text printing over 58 gsm ir logo white water mark security paper con forming to is 1848/2007 as amended up to 2018 for cover page kraft paper 130 gsm conforming to i s 1397/90 or latest grade- ii binding specifications: 100 leaves limp bound with two side pins on left side of cover page. one seal pin on right bottom corner supply should be in a bundle of 20 nos. each with strapping. numbering instructions: the commencing no. is to be obtained from amm (sty) by. ma nuscripts to be get approved from amm (sty)/ by. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of del ivery ] [quantity tolerance (+/-): 5 %age , item category : normal , total po value variation permitt ed: max 8 lacs ] ]
Published on
Oct. 23, 2024, 11:06 p.m.
Bid Opening Date
Nov. 14, 2024, 7 p.m.
Doc Download started
Oct. 23, 2024, 11:06 p.m.
Doc Download ended
Nov. 14, 2024, 7 p.m.