HIV I And II Rapid test kit, ASO TEST KIT 50 into 1, KIT FOR, ESTIMATION OF CKMB 20 into 1, ENTERCHECK RAPID, THYPHOID KIT IGG and IGM PACK SIZE 50 into 1, ESR, BTUBE WINTROB WESTERN GREEN DISPO, ERBA WASH ML, 50 into 4, PH INDICATOR BLUE LITMUS RED PACK SIZE 200, into 3, PH INDICATOR RED LITMUS BLUE PACK SIZE 200 into, 3, ELECTROLYTE SODIUM POTTASIUM KIT 96 into 1, ABX, MINIDIAL PACK SIZE 10 LTR into 1, ABX MINOCULAIR 100, ML into 1 PACK SIZE, ABX LYSEBIO 400 ML into 1 PACK SIZE, ABX CLEANER 1 into 1 LTR, SEMI AUTO ANALYSER WASH, SOLUTION, DRABKIN SOLUTION DILUTING SOLUTION FOR, HEAMOGLOBIN ESTIMATION, KIT FOR ESTIMATION OF, PROTEIN, SALMONELA TYPHI O, SALMONELLA TYPHI H, Strips Albumin and Glucose bottle of 100 strips, Kit for, estimatION OF HDL Cholesterol, Vaccum blood collection, tubes with needles EDTA 3 ml, Vaccum Blood Collection, Tubes without Needles Sterile Tube with Gel 5ml Material, Plastic Glass, Vaccum blood collection tubes with needles, sterile tube without gel 5ml, Vaccum blood collection tubes, without needles Sodium Citrate 3ml, Vaccum Blood, Collection Tubes with Needles and additives Sodium Fluoride, Sodium Fluoride plus K3EDTA in tubes of Vol 02 ml, Keto, diastix bott of 50 strips, KIT FOR CHLOESTROL 2 into 100, KIT FOR URIC ACID 2 into 50, KIT FOR CREATININE 4 into 50, Kits for estimation of Alkaline Phosphatase 50 into 2, Kits, for estimation of SGOT AST 100 into 1, Kits for estimation of, SGPT ALT 2 into 50, Kit for triglyceride estimation 100 ml, Kit for LDL Cholesterol by Direct estimation, Microtips 200ul, filter barrier and sterile, Microtips 1000ul filter barrier and, sterile, DENGU KIT 50 into 1, WIDAL KIT 50 into 1, CRP, TEST KIT 50 into 1, RA FACTOR KIT 50 into 1, UREA 4 into 50, Antiseptic Solution bott of 500 ml Savlon, Scalp vein set with luer fitting of disposable plastic size 24 G, Blister pack, Test Tube length 8cm into 13mm internal dia, with rim, KIT FOR GLUCOSE 2 into 250, KIT FOR TOTAL, BILIRUBIN 4 into 50, Water Distiller Distilled Water Can of 5, litre, Semi auto haematology cell counter printing paper roll, for, Slide 50 into1 Pkt, Inj Paliperidone 100 mg
Nashik, Maharashtra, India
Important Dates
Bid submission started
Aug. 29, 2024, 12:36 a.m.
Bid submission ended
Sept. 19, 2024, 12:30 a.m.
Price Information
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Published on
Aug. 29, 2024, 12:36 a.m.
Bid Opening Date
Sept. 19, 2024, 1 a.m.
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BAND AID ROUND, Dextrose Monohydrate for oral use in, pack of 100 gm with or without vitamins and minerals, Kit, for Stool occult blood 50 tests, Uristix Glucose plus Albumin, Urine control strips posative asd negetive 10 parametres, compatible to Siemens urine analyser, Urine multistix cards, Min 10 parametres compatible to Siemens urine analyser, Vaccum blood collection tubes with needles and additives, sodium fluoride slace sodium fluoride plus K3EDTA in tubes, of Vol 02 ml.., Vaccum blood collection tubes with needles, Sodium Citrate 3ml, Vaccum blood collection tubes with, needles sterile tube with out gel 5ml, Sterile container for, urine collection, Vaccum Blood Collection Tubes with, Needles Sterile Tube with Gel 5ml, Vaccum blood collection, tubes with needles EDTA 2ml slace 3ml, Macconkey agar, pre prepared plates, Sheep blood agar pre prepared plates, Mueller Hinton agar pre prepared plates, Disposable pre, sterile Petri Dishes 90mm x 15 mm, PA coliform test for, water culture, CLED Agar with Bromothymol Blue, Readymade gram staining kit Pack of 4 x 100 ml, Blood, Agar Base, Sabourauds dextrose agar plain pre prepared, Strong carbol fuchsin AR, Sterile Swab Sticks, Mueller, hinton Agar, Nichrome Wire loops 10x10 pc, 0. 45percent, Suspension solution for Vitek 2 Compact Box of 3 x 500 ml, Unsensitized tubes for Vitek 2 Compact Pack of 2000 tubes, BBL MRIT OADC cat no. 245116 compatible with BD, BACTECMGIT automated mycobacterial detection system, PZA Media, PZA Drugs, BBL MRIT penta Cat no. 245114, compatible with BD BACTECMGIT automated mycobacterial, detection system, BBLMGIT 7ml tube, MGIT 320 Calibrator, Cat No. 445871 compatible with BD BACTECMGIT, automated mycobacterial detection system, MGIT 960 SIRE, MRIT TEC identification Cat no. 245159 compatible with, BD BACTECMGIT automated mycobacterial detection system, AST carrier rack compatible with BD BACTECMGIT, Pre prepared, Ziehl Neelsen stain kit, Macconkey Agar with 0. 15 percent, Bile Salts CV
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₹ Not Specified.