Complete mechanical seal set DE and NDE without sleeve, and gland plate for BDMCW Pump Face Comb Carbon vs, Bume 5 Material Code BSVGG Drg No 09 HJ92N 65 E12, Mechanical Seal 560 30 mm as per drg No A4RH240 B R2, for Expansion tank Vacuum Pump Model 2T30D, Complete, Mechanical Seal set DE and NDE without Sleeve and Gland, Plate for TDMCW Pump Face Comb Carbon vs Bume 5, Material Code BSVGG Drg No 09 HJ92N 75 E6, Set of, Secondary Sealing items of BFP Model FK6D30 Mechanical, Seal Part Nos 2 5 8 16 Seal type SHF2 Drg No 09- SHF2 112, E1, Seat for Mechanical Seal of BFP Model FK6D30 Part No 4, BUKA 20 Seal Type SHF2 Drg No 09 SHF2 112 E1, Seal Face, for Mechanical Seal of BFP Model FK6D30 Part No 1 BUKO 03, 1. 4122 Seal Type SHF2 Drg No 09 SHF2 112 E1, Seat for, Mechanical Seal of Booster Pump ModelFA1B56 Part No 2, Drg No 09 H75 100 G16 E1, Seal Face for Mechanical Seal, of Booster Pump Model FA1B56 Part No 1. 1 Drg Nos 09- H75, 100 G15 E1 and 09 H75 100 G16 E1, Set of O Rings for, Mechanical Seal of Booster Pump Model FA1B56 Part Nos, 1. 2 3 5 and 7 Drg No 09 H75 100 G15 E1, Set of Spring and, Spring Sleeve 12 nos in a set for Mechanical Seal of Booster, Pump Model FA1B56 Part Nos 1. 4 and 1. 7 Drg Nos 09 H75, Set Screw for, Mechanical Seal of Booster Pump Model FA1B56 Part No 1. 6, Drg No 09 H75 100 G15 E4, Seat for Mechanical Seal of, Booster Pump Model FA1B56 Part No 2 Drg No 09 H75 100, G15 E1, Eagle Burgmann make complete seal type H75N, 100 as per drawing no 09 H75N 100 E10R1 Seal face Buko, 03 1. 4122 Carbon VS Buka 22 Silicon carbide MOC AQ1VGG
Mejia, West Bengal, India
Important Dates
Bid submission started
June 30, 2024, 3:09 a.m.
Bid submission ended
July 10, 2024, 5:30 p.m.
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Published on
June 30, 2024, 3:09 a.m.
Bid Opening Date
July 10, 2024, 6 p.m.
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