A4 Size Paper Green, Ball Pen Reynolds Black, Ball Pen, Reynolds Red, Black Sheet, CD RW, Clip Board, Colin, Paper Flags Three Colour, Colour Tape 1 Inch Green, Colour, Tape 1 Inch Red, Colour Tape 1 Inch Blue, Colour Tape 1, Inch Yellow, Colour Tape Half Inch Green, Colour Tape Half, Inch Red, Colour Tape Half Inch Yellow, Colour Tape Hal, Inch Blue, Double Side Tape, Drawing Roll, Dusting Cloth, Envelope A4 Size, Envelope Legal Size, Envelope Medium, Brown Colour, Envelope Small Brown Colour, Eraser, File, Binder, File Cover Printed, File Cover White Printed, Glue, Stick, Hard Sheet, Highlighter, OHP Soluble Non, Permanent, OHP Soluble Permanent, Paper FS, Paper, Weight, Pen Pilot HiTecpoint V7 Grip Blue Colour, Pen Pilot, Hi Tecpoint V7 Grip Black Colour, Pilot Pen V5 Blue, Pilot, Pen V7 Black, Pilot Pen V7 Blue, Pilot Pne V7 Red, Refil, Reynolds Blue, Register 200 Pages, Register 300 Pages, Register 400 Pages, Register 500 Pages, Sketch Black, Sketch Blue, Stamp Pad Large, Stapler Small, Sticky Pad, Small, Tag Large, Tag Small, Tape Brown 2 Inch, Tape, Brown 4 Inch, Tape Transparent 1 Inch, Tape Transparent, Half Inch, Tape Transparent 2 Inch, Tap Trasnparent 4 Inch, Thumb Pin, U Clip Steel, Cellophane Sheet Red Colour, Cellophane Sheet Blue Colour, Cellophane Sheet Yellow, Cellophane Sheet Green Colour, Cordless Calling, Remote Door Bell, White Cloths, 9 Volt Battery HW, Distilled Water for Battery, Insulation Tape, OFC Joint, Enclosure, Lithium Battery 3V CR2032
Doda, Jammu And Kashmir, India
Important Dates
Bid submission started
June 12, 2024, 12:47 a.m.
Bid submission ended
July 3, 2024, 1:30 a.m.
Price Information
Tender Description:
Tender Type:
Published on
June 12, 2024, 12:47 a.m.
Bid Opening Date
July 3, 2024, 2 a.m.
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Doc Download ended
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Expires on 19th Jul, 2024
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