Betaine 98 percent pure 500 gm, D Sorbitol 98 percent 1Kg, Glycerol anhydrous 99 point 5 percent 2 point 5 Liter, Ethanol absolute 99 point 9 percent 500ml, DO Electrolyte 250 ml, 0 point 2 micron syringe filters 50 Nos, Dicotyl sodium Sulpho succinate 100 gm, Activated Charcoal extrapure 280 AR 500 gm, Activated Charcoal 950 extrapure 500 gm, Potato dextrose broth 500gm, E point coli BL21 DE3 PLysS 11 by 50 ul Tube, Potato dextrose agar 500 gm, Ammonia Solution extrapure AR 25 percent 2 point 5 Liter
Thane, Maharashtra, India
Important Dates
Bid submission started
Sept. 12, 2024, 10:08 p.m.
Bid submission ended
Oct. 3, 2024, 10:30 p.m.
Price Information
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Published on
Sept. 12, 2024, 10:08 p.m.
Bid Opening Date
Oct. 3, 2024, 11 p.m.
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Sulfuric acid about percent, Ortho- Phosphoric acid min 85, perrcent EMPLURA- 500ml, Ammonium iron sulphate, Hexahydrate EMPLURA- 500gm, BORICACID POWDER 99. 5, percent ExtraPure- 500gm, Sodium hydroxide flakes, EMPLURA- 1kg, METHYL RED INDICATOR AR- 25gm, BROMOCRESOL GREEN INDICATOR dye content 95 percent-, 5gm, Diluent for DNA extraction For Molecular Biology-, 500ml, Nitric acid about 69 percent EMPLURA- 500ml, CHARCOAL ACTIVATED Pharma grade- 500g, AZOMETHINE-, H MONOSODIUM SALTHYDRATE 95 percent AR 500g, SODIUM HYDROGEN CARBONATE 99. 5 percent Extra Pure-, 500g, Hydrochloric acid about 35 percent EMPLURA- 500ml, AMMONIUMFLUORIDE 95percent Extra Pure- 500g, AMMONIUM MOLYBDATE TETRAHYDRATE 98 percent Extra, Pure- 100g, AMMONIUM METAVANADATE 98 percent Extra, Pure- 100g, ANTIMONY POTASSIUMTARTRATE TRIHYDRATE, 98. 5 percent Extra Pure- 500g, L- ASCORBIC ACID 99percent, Extra Pure- 100g, Potassium dihydrogen phosphate, EMPLURA- 500g, Ammoniu acetate EMPLURA- 500g, ACETIC ACID GLACIAL 99. 5 percent Extra Pure- 500ml, DIETHYLENE TRIAMINE PENTA ACETIC ACID 99 percent For, Synthesis- DTPA- 500 g, TRIETHANOLAMINE 98 percent, Extra Pure- 500ml, CALCIUM CHLORIDE DIHYDRATE 98, percent Extra Pure- 500g, n- HEXANE 99percent For, Synthesis- 250 ml, PERCHLORIC ACID 70 percent AR- ACS-, POTASSIUM SULPHATE 98. 5 percent Extra Pure-, ETHYLENEDIAMIN E TETRAACETIC ACID DISODIUM, SALT 99 percent Extra Pure- EDTA disodium salt- 500g, PHENOLPHTHALEIN INDICATOR- 100g, METHANOL, 99. 5percent Extra Pure- 250 ml, Sodium chloride EMPLURA-, POTASSIUM CHROMATE 99 percent Extra Pure- 500g, FOLIN and CIOCALTEU S PHENOL REAGENT- 100ml, SODIUM, NITRITE 97 percent Extra Pure- 500g, Acetate Buffer, pH5. 6, 5x100ml, 1, 1- Diphenyl- 2- Picryl hydrazine- 1g, CARBONATE ANHYDROUS 99. 5 percent Extra Pure- 500g, POTASSIUMSODIUM TARTRATE TETRAHYDRATE 98 percent, Extra Pure- 500gm, SODIUM SULPHATE ANHYDROUS 99, percent Extra Pure- 500 gm, CUPRIC SULPHATE, PENTAHYDRATE 98. 5 percent Extra Pure- Copper sulphate, pentahydrate- 500gm, OXALIC ACID 99 percent Extra Pure-, 500gm, 2, 6- DICHLOROPHENOL INDOPHENOL SODIUM SALT, 98 percent AR- ACS- 5gm, SODIUM TUNGSTATE DIHYDRATE, 98 percent Extra Pure- 100g, PHOSPHOMOL YBDIC, ACIDHYDRATE AR- ACS 100gm, Sodium hypochlorite, solution approximately 4 percent available chlorine, EMPLURA- 1lt, PECTIN Extra Pure- 500gm, CALCIUM NITRATE, TETRAHYDRATE98 percent Extra Pure- 500gm, POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL 4000 For Synthesis- 500gm, iso-, PROPYLALCOHOL 99 percent For Synthesis- 500ml, ACETONE 99 percent Extra Pure- 500ml
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₹ 7500 Lacs
Ammonia Buffer Solution 500 ml, Zinc Chloride 500 gm, Ammonium Chloride 500 gm, Ammonium Acetate 500 gm, Concentrated Ammonia 25 percent 2 point 5 litre, sulphurous, acid 2 point 5 ltr, potassium dichromate 500 gm, sodium, hypochlorite 500 ml, n hexane ar grade 2 point 5 litre, ethyl, acetate ar grade 2 point 5 litre, petrolium ether 60 to 80 ar, grade 2 point 5 litre, benzene ar grade 2 point 5 litre, acetone, 25 litre, dmso ar grade 2 point 5 litre, n comma n dimethyl, formamide ar grade 2 point 5 litre, tetrahydrofuran 99 point, 5 percent ar grade 2 point 5 litre, dichloromethane ar grade, 2 point 5 litre, acetonitrile ar grade 2 point 5 litre, methanol, ar grade 2 point 5 litre, chloroform ar 2 point 5 litre, cobalt, sulphate heptahydrate 100 gm, silicone high vacuum, grease 50 gm, test tube 15 by 125 mm, gloves latex, white, aluminium foil 1 kg, capillary tube one end seal 100, pcs or pkt, conical flask 100 ml, beaker 50 ml, beaker, 100 ml, beaker 250 ml, glass rod policeman, wire gauge, thermometer 360 degree celsius, watch glass 2 point 5, inch, filter paper grade 1 round dia 125mm 100 per pack, potassium bromide kbr for ir spectroscopy 100 gm, spatula with one end spoon another end flat 6 inch, petri, dishes glass 100 by 17 mm, polylab test tube stand round, for 19 mm and 25 mm tubes, silicone rubber cork b 24, vacuum desiccator dia 250 mm, sodium hydroxide 500, gm, benzoic acid 500 gm, aniline 500 ml, picric acid 500, salicyclic acid 500 gm, para nitroaniline 250 gm, 2, comma 4 dinitrophenol 25 gm, benzoin 100 gm, benzaldehyde 500 ml, 1 naphthol 100 gm, 2 naphthol 100, benzoyl chloride 500 ml, urea 500 gm, feso4 500, kmno4 500 gm, ceric ammonium nitrate 100 gm, fuchsine or rosaniline hydrochloride 25 gm, nitroprusside 100 gm, hydroxylamine hydrochloride 100, benzophenone 500 gm, sodium nitrite 500 gm, thionyl chloride 500 ml, guard tube b 19, guard tube b, 24, condenser b 19, condenser b 24, cotton roll 500 gm, rb flask 50 ml b 19, rb flask 50 ml b 24, rb flask 100 ml, b 19, rb flask 100 ml b 24, rb flask 250 ml b 19, 500 ml, beaker 1000 ml, beaker 2000 ml, tissue paper, roll, measuring cylinder 10 ml, measuring cylinder 50 ml, measuring cylinder 100 ml, thermometer 110 degree, celsius, amber glass vials 05 ml pack of 100, conical flask, amber 250 ml, trithiocyanuric acid trisodiumsalt hydrate, 25 gm, ruthenium iii chloride hydrate 05 gm, tetraethyl, ammonium tetrafluoroborate 25 gm, ethyl alcohol 500 ml, ph paper 2 to 6, ph paper 8 to 12, ph paper 1 to 14, blue, litmus paper, red litmus paper, burette 50 ml glass, stopper, volumetric flask 100 ml, volumetric flask 250 ml, volumetric flask 500 ml, volumetric flask 1000 ml, volumetric flask 2 l, sodium thiosulphate 500 gm, edta, 500 gm, diethyl ether 2 point 5 litre, ammonium iron ii, sulphate 500 gm, cuso4 500 gm, phenolphthalein 100 gm, conical flask 250 ml, dropper 4 inch glass, dropper 6 inch, glass, funnel 75 mm, solution bottle 3 litre, solution bottle, 2 litre, solution bottle 5 litre, China Dish 3 inch, Magnetic, Bead spindle Shaped 3 by 7 mm Straight, Stop watch, digital, Filter paper Ordinary 46 by 57 cm 500 per pack, Ostwald Viscometer, Stalagmometer
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₹ Not Specified.
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Sulphadoxine 500 mg and Pyrimethamine 25 mg Tab, Chloroquine Phosphate 250 mg Tab, Heparin 5000 IU per ml Inj, Fenofibrate 200 mg Tab, Tab Ecosprin 75 mg plus Atorvastatin 20 mg, Atenolol 50 mg Tab, Nebivolol 5mg Tab, Metoprolol 1 mg per ml 5 ml Inj, Nifedipine 20 mg, Tab metoprolol XL 25 mg, Ramipril 5 mg Tab, Enalapril 5 mg Tab, Methyldopa Tab 250 mg, Metoprolol 12. 5 mg Tab, Amlodipine 10 mg Tab, Anticaries Fluoride Rinse Mouth wash with sodium fluoride acidulated phosphate bott of 500 ml, Benzocaine 20 percent Pectin based oral ointment Tube of 5 gm, Clove Oil bottle of 50 ml, Calamine Powder, Cetrimide Powder, Glycerin Glycerol in bottle of 1 kg, Hydroquinone 2 percent Tube of 50 gm, Isotretinoin 20 mg Cap, Coal tar 6 percent v or w plus Salicylic acid 3 percent ointment 50 gm tube, Betamethasone 0 point 1 percent plus Salicylic acid 3 percent cream 20 gm tube, Para dichlorobenzene 2 percent w or v Benzocaine 2 point 7 percent w or v Chlorbutol 5 percent Turpentine oil 15 percent w or v bott of 10 ml, Povidone Iodine 7 point 5 percent Solution 100 ml, Chlorhexidine Gluconate Soln 5 percent 5 Ltr HDPE jar, Sodium Hypochlorite 5 percent, Atenolol 50 mg plus Amlodipine 5 mg, Adapalene 0 point 1 percent Tube og 15 gm, Tacrolimus oint 0 point 03 percent 20 gm tube, Benzoyl Peroxide 2 point 5 percent Tube of 20 gm, Cream Betamethasone Dipropionate USP 5 mg anf gentamycin sulphate 1 mg per gm tube of 5 gm, Paraffin Soft yellow jar of 4 kg, Sisomicin sulphate skin cream 0 point 10 percent tube of 7 point 5 gms, Talcum Powder, Triamcinolone Acetate 10 mg per ml Inj, Tretinoin 0 piont 05 percent tube of 20 gm
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₹ Not Specified.