Alcohol Methyl, Aluminium foils 100 gm, Bioclean, Blood, sedimentation rate pipette Westen gren graduated from 0-, 200 mm in 1 mm divisions., Diluents for cbc machine 20, litre, Distilled water 5 litre, Drabnkins Solution, Field Stain, A, Field Stain B, Glucometer Strip Accucheck pack of 100, Keto diastix bott of 50 strips, Leishman stain bott of 500ml, Lyse for cbc machine 10 Ltr, Marking Pen, Microtips 0- 100, ul, Microtips 100- 1000 ul, Paper filter round Greens No 795, 9 cm pkt of 100, Paper filter square Greens No 795 51cm X, 51cm Pkt of 100, Pencil, Marking glass., Plastic Test Tube, pack of 100, Semi auto analyser printing paper roll for pack, of 6, Semi auto analyser wash solution for 200 ml kit, Serum Anti D for Saline tube test, Serum Haemagglutnating, Gp A Anti- B monoclonal Bott of 10 ml, Serum, Haemagglutnating Gp B Anti- A monoclonal Bott of 10 ml, Serum Heamaglutinating Gp O Anti- AB Monoclonal Bott of, 10 ml, Slide, microscope thickness 1. 15 mm to 1. 35mm, size 76mm x 50mm, Microscope, thickness 1. 15 to, 1. 35mm size 75mm x 25mm, Spirit bott of 500 ml, Strips, Albumin and glucose bottle of 100 strips, Test Tube plain, with clot activator pack of 100, Tube test 125 mm x 16 mm, rimless, Urine Container pack of 100, Albumin test kit of, 250ml, Alkaline Phosphatase test kit of 36ml, Amylase test, kit, Bilirubin Total Direct Test Kit of 240 ml, Calcium, Estimation Kit, Cholesterol Kit of 100ml, Creatinine test Kit, of 240ml, CRP C- Reactive Protein kit of 50 test, Dengue, Ns1 IgG IgM test card, Glucose test kit of 400ml, HBs Ag, rapid test card, HDL Cholesterol Kit of 2x50ml, HIV I II, Rapid test card, Malaria pf photovoltaic Antigen kit, Potassium, Pregnancy test card, RA Factior Kit, Rapid, card screening for HBV card, Rapid card screening for HCV, SGOT AST test kit of 100ml, SGPT ALT test kit of 100ml, Sodium Estimation Kit, Total Protein test kit of 250ml, Triglyceride Kit of 100 ml, Typhidot IgM IgG Kit, Urea test, kit of 100ml, Uric acid test kit of 100ml, VDRL test card, Widal Test kit, Serum Haemaglutinating Anti D RH, monoclonal, Stool for occult blood, Sicking rapid test, Vaccume needle holder, Vaccum Needle
Wardha, Maharashtra, India
Important Dates
Bid submission started
June 18, 2024, 2:09 p.m.
Bid submission ended
July 9, 2024, 2:30 p.m.
Price Information
Tender Description:
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Published on
June 18, 2024, 2:09 p.m.
Bid Opening Date
July 9, 2024, 3 p.m.
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₹ Not Specified.
PT reagents, HIV rapid test kit 4th generation, HCV rapid, test kit, HbsAg rapid test kit, Syphilis rapid kit, Typhi dot-, Immunochromatographic assay, RA factor mannual latec, Plastic cuvette for stago coagulameter pack of, 1000, Leishman stain for haematological staining with, buffer powder, ESR tube western green pack of 100, Glass, slide 75 x 25 mm thickness 1. 45 mm pack of 50, Dengue, NS1 IgG IgM combo rapid kit, HRP2 rapid kit for p, falciparum and vivex, Disposable tissue processor caseates, Ethanol ethyl alcohol contain 99. 9 percent ethanol for, histopathological tissue, Paper filter 51 x 51 cm, Liquid, ammonia solution for histopathological staining process, Paraffin wax, Glass cover slip size 22 x 50 mm thickness no, 0. 13- 0. 16mm, Glass cover slip size 22 x 40 mm thickness, no 0. 13- 0. 16 mm, Xylene xtra pure bott of 500 ml, Uristics, Protein plus glucose bott of 100, Uristicks glucose plus, ketone bott of 100, Haemospot kit for occult blood rapid, test, ZN stain combo pack containing ready to use reagents, Petri dish glass borosil 90 mm diameter, Streilsed flexible, loop 0. 4mm diameter, 1000 ul medical grade virgin, polypropylene universal pipette tips sterile racked, Micropipettes tips for 1- 200 ul unsterile, 200 ul medical, grade virgin polypropylene universal pipette tips sterile, racked, pulv glucose for oral use pack of 75 gm, ASO rapid, kit, APTT reagents, Ceder wood oil, Geimsa stain, Retic, stain, Seamen diluting fluid, WBC diluting fluid, Multistic, 10 SG
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₹ Not Specified.