48 Station Electronic Carousal and associated Equipment as, per scope of Tender for BANGALORE LPG PLANT, Chain, Conveyor System inc Drive Unit for BANGALORE LPG PLANT, LPG VALVE CHANGING MACHINE for BANGALORE LPG, PLANT, CYLINDER WASHING UNIT for BANGALORE LPG, CYLINDER INLINE TEST BATH for BANGALORE LPG, CAPPING UNIT for BANGALORE LPG PLANT, SQC, UNIT for BANGALORE LPG PLANT, Installation and, commissioning works for BANGALORE LPG PLANT, AMC, Charges for 1st Year Post Warranty as per scope of Work for, BANGALORE LPG PLANT, AMC Charges for 2nd Year Post, Warranty as per scope of Work for BANGALORE LPG PLANT, AMC Charges for 3rd Year Post Warranty as per scope of, Work for BANGALORE LPG PLANT, Additional Day Charge, Post warranty for BANGALORE LPG PLANT, 24 Station, Electronic Carousal and associated Equipment as per scope, of Tender for Gopalganj LPG Plant, Chain Conveyor System, inc Drive Unit for Gopalganj LPG Plant, LPG VALVE, CHANGING MACHINE for Gopalganj LPG Plant, CYLINDER, WASHING UNIT for Gopalganj LPG Plant, CYLINDER INLINE, TEST BATH for Gopalganj LPG Plant, CAPPING UNIT for, Gopalganj LPG Plant, SQC UNIT for Gopalganj LPG Plant, Installation and commissioning works for Gopalganj LPG, Plant, AMC Charges for 1st Year Post Warranty as per scope, of Work for Gopalganj LPG Plant, AMC Charges for 2nd Year, Post Warranty as per scope of Work for Gopalganj LPG Plant, Work for Gopalganj LPG Plant, Additional Day Charge Post, warranty for Gopalganj LPG Plant, 24 Station Electronic, Carousal and associated Equipment as per scope of Tender, for Kanpur LPG Plant, Chain Conveyor System inc Drive Unit, LPG VALVE CHANGING MACHINE for, Kanpur LPG Plant, CYLINDER WASHING UNIT for Kanpur LPG, CYLINDER INLINE TEST BATH for Kanpur LPG Plant, CAPPING UNIT for Kanpur LPG Plant, SQC UNIT for Kanpur, LPG Plant, Installation and commissioning works for Kanpur, AMC Charges for 1st Year Post Warranty as per, scope of Work for Kanpur LPG Plant, AMC Charges for 2nd, Year Post Warranty as per scope of Work for Kanpur LPG, AMC Charges for 3rd Year Post Warranty as per, Post warranty for Kanpur LPG Plant
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Important Dates
Bid submission started
Sept. 7, 2024, 5:09 a.m.
Bid submission ended
Sept. 27, 2024, 8:30 p.m.
Price Information
Tender Description:
Tender Type:
Published on
Sept. 7, 2024, 5:09 a.m.
Bid Opening Date
Sept. 27, 2024, 9 p.m.
Doc Download started
Doc Download ended
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