Glucose XL system pack 10X44ml compatible with EM 360, Tests 2000 2100, Urea XL system pack R1 5 x 44 ml R2, 5x11 ml Compatible with EM 360 Tests 1100 1150, Uric, Acid XL System Pack R1 5X44ml R2 5X11ml Compatible, with EM 360 Tests 850 950, Cholesterol XL system Pack, 10x44 ml Compatible with EM 360 Tests 2000 2100, Triglycerides XL system pack 5x44 ml R2 5 x 11 ml, Compatible with EM 360 Tests 1100 1150, HDL XL system, pack R1 4X30ML R2 4X10ML Compatible with EM 360 Tests, 500 600, Total protein XL system pack 10x44ml, Compatible with EM 360 Tests 2000 2100, Albumin XL, system pack 10x44ml TEST Compatible with EM 360 Tests, 2000 2100, Amylase XL system pack 5x22ml kit, Compatible with EM 360 Tests 450 550, Creatinine XL, system pack Jaffe method R1 5x44ml R2 5x11 ml, LDH XL System, Pack R1 2x44ml R2 2x11ml Compatible with EM 360 Tests, 400 500, CKMB XL System Pack R1 2x44ml R2 2x11ml, Compatible with EM 360 Tests 400 500, Phosphorus XL, System Pack 10x12ml Compatible with EM 360 Tests 500, 600, Calcium XL system pack 10X12ml Compatible with EM, 360 Tests 500 600, SGOT AST System Pack R1 6 x 44 ml, R2 3 x 22 ml, SGPT ALT XL system pack R1 6X44ML R2, 3X22ML Compatible with EM 360 Tests 1400 1500, Bilirubin, Direct XL system pack R1 6 x 44 ml R2 3 x 22 ml, Compatible with EM 360 Tests 1150 1250, Bilirubin Total XL, System pack Rl 6x44, R2 3x22ml Compatible with EM 360, Tests 1150 1250, Alkaline phosphate XL system pack R1, 2x44ml r2 2x11ml Compatible with EM 360 Tests 400 500, EM 360 ERBA analyser cuvette Compatible with EM 360, Lypocheck chemistry control Level I 12 x 5 ml Biorad, Compatible with EM 360, Lypocheck Diabetes control level, 1 and 2 Bilevel 6 x 0. 5 ml Biorad Compatible with EM 360, Lypocheck immunoassay plus control Trilevel 12 x 5 ml, Biorad Compatible with EM 360, ERBA XL Multical 4 x 3 ml, Cup Tube For EM 360 500 pack Compatible with EM 360, Lypocheck chemistry control level 2 12x5ml Biorad, PM Kit for em 360 bio chem, analyser Compatible with EM 360, GGT XL System Pack R1, 2x44ml R2 2x11ml Compatible with EM 360 Tests 400 500, Lipase XL System Pack 1x44ML 1x11ML Compatible with EM, 360 Tests 200 250, System pack HbA1C kit Compatible, with EM 360 Tests 125 150, Erba wash solution, 1x10x100ml Compatible with EM 360
Pune, Maharashtra, India
Important Dates
Bid submission started
July 4, 2024, 12:30 a.m.
Bid submission ended
July 5, 2024, 1:30 a.m.
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Published on
July 4, 2024, 12:30 a.m.
Bid Opening Date
April 20, 2024, 6 p.m.
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