Arch wire preformed ideal arch form upper and lower 0. 016, x 0. 022 inches SS pkt of 10 each, Bracket Kit 0. 018 inches, Roth, 20 pcs per Set, Elastic chain 1. 5M spool Non- Linked, Headgear high and medium pull complete with orthopedic, force modules 500 gms each, Latex elastic yellow 5 by 16, inches, light pkt of 1000, heavy pkt of 1000, NiTi compression spring pack of, 10, 0. 032 inches lumen, 0. 010 to 0. 012 inches thickness, wire, spring length 6 inches, NiTi tension spring 6mm with, eyelets pack of 10, Screw expansion small, Arch wire NiTi, size 0. 017 inches x 0. 025 inches upper small plain set of 10, Arch wire NiTi size 0. 017 inches x 0. 025 inches lower small, plain set of 10, Arch wire SS size 0. 016 inches x 0. 022, inches upper small plain set of 10, Arch wire SS size 0. 016, inches x 0. 022 inches lower small plain set of 10, Preformed molar bands upper rt sizes from 34- 40 in, increments of 0. 5, kit of 200 bands, SS orthopedic, expansion screw Hyrax type, lower, size 9mm, Titanium, mini plate 4 holes without gap, Titanium mini plate 4 holes, with gap, Titanium mini plate 6 holes 9mm, Titanium mini, plate 16 holes, Titanium mini plate 10 holes, Titanium L, plate left pkt of 2, Titanium L plate right pkt of 2, T plate pkt of 2, Titanium double Y plate pkt of 2, Y plate wide pkt of 2, Titanium Orbital plate 4 holes int. sect, 8mm pkt of 2, Titanium screws 7mm cross pin pkt of 10, Titanium screws 9mm cross pin pkt of 10, Titanium bone, screws dia 2. 0 mm length 6 mm cross pin pkt of 5, bone screws dia 2. 0 mm length 8 mm cross pin pkt of 5, Titanium bone screws dia 2. 3 mm length 8 mm cross pin, self tapping pkt of 5, Titanium bone lock screws dia 2. 7 mm, length 10 mm cross pin self tapping pkt of 5, Twist Drill dia, 1. 5 mm length 40 mm dental shaft end, Twist Drill dia 1. 9, mm length 77 mm dental shaft end WL 27 mm, 2. 0- 2. 3, mm screw driver blade cross pin
Jalandhar, Punjab, India
Important Dates
Bid submission started
June 12, 2024, 8:06 p.m.
Bid submission ended
July 3, 2024, 8:30 p.m.
Price Information
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Published on
June 12, 2024, 8:06 p.m.
Bid Opening Date
July 3, 2024, 9 p.m.
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Expires on 06th Jul, 2024
₹ 7840 Lacs